Monday, May 10, 2010

First Step on the Moon 1969


Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
-The Strategic Defense Defense Initiative(SDI) also known as Star Wars was a program first initicated on March 23, 1983 under president Ronald Reagan The intent of this program was to develop a sophisticated anti-ballistic missile system in order to prevent missile attacks from other countries, specifially the Soviet Union.

Arms Race
- Competition between countries to achieve superiority quantity and quality of military arms.

Anti-ballistic Missile
- A defensive missile designed to intercept and destroy a ballistic missile in fight.

- A formation of troops, ships, airplanes in which groups of soldier or individual vehicles or craft are arranged in parallel lines.

Star Wars
- The United States of America weapons research program began in 1984 to explore technologies, including ground and space based for destroying attacking missilices and wearheeds.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

impact on the united states

Apollo 11 Moon Landing was help united state win the star war and cold war with Russia. The Apollo 11 moon landing mission gave us the confidence to U.S.It also showed the world what could be achieved by democracy over communism. even though the Soviets were there first, having made their Luna 2 spacecraft off the moon. but Apollo 11 help us to left step there and win space race.

profile of important people

“President Kennedy”
Cold War competition between the United States and the Soviet Union.Is contributed to the Soviet Union space race, launching the first artificial satellite orbiting space satellites. In President Kennedy's speech to the U.S. Congress May 25, 1961, he expressed concern that the prestige of the United States and the Soviet Union of backward technology. He asked the State to a person on the moon before the decade ended. Also the president has made the plan of the moon landing.
“Neil Armstrong”
July 16, 1969, Apollo 11 launched from the Space Center Kennedy. July 20, 1969, Commander Neil Armstrong became the first person on the moon.

historical voerview

In 1983 the President of The United States Ronald Reagan was frightened that the Soviet Union might launch a nuclear attack on the United States, son in March 23, 1983 he introduced the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), also known as the “Star Wars”. The SDI was a space age defense system that would protect the United States from a Soviet Union Attack. SDI would create a missile shield of laser beams to shoot down attacking The Soviet Union. It took the arms race almost into the realm of science fiction. Once it was perfected, SDI would provide the United States with the means to survive a first strike attack and enable it to fire missiles back. “Among the potential components of the defense system was both space- and earth-based laser battle stations, which, by a combination of methods, would direct their killing beams toward moving Soviet targets. Air-based missile platforms and ground-based missiles using other non-nuclear killing mechanisms would constitute the rear echelon of defense and would be concentrated around such major targets as U.S. ICBM silos. The sensors to detect attacks would be based on the ground, in the air, and in space, and would use radar, optical, and infrared threat-detection systems.

This system would tip the nuclear balance toward the United States. The Soviets feared that SDI would enable the United States to launch a first-strike against them. Critics pointed to the vast technological uncertainties of the system, in addition to its enormous cost.

Although work was begun on the program, the technology proved to be too complex and much of the research was cancelled by later administrations. The idea of missile defense system would resurface later as the National Missile Defense”.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


1983- March 23, 1983 Reagan Star Wars speech.

1984- March 27, 1984 Lt. Gen. James A Abrahamson was appointed as first Dirertor of the (SDIO).
- June 10, 1984 The Army demonstrated Hit to kill capability in the Homing Overlay Expenment (HOE).

1985- September 6, 1985 The Mid- Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser destroyed a Titan booster during a test.

1986- July 30, 1986 General Abrahamson directed that (SDIO) be reogranized.
- November, 1986 The formation of the concept for brilliant pebbles.

1987- June, 1987 Strategic Defense System Phase I baseline architecture was approved.

1988- September 30, 1988 The (SDI) Organization was realigned adding several new positions.

1989- February 1, 1989 Lt. Gen. George L. Monahan, Jr. became the second director of the (SDIO).
- August 1989, Four major studies of the brilliant Pebbles concept concluded that it was promising and technically feasible.
- November 9, 1989 Dismantling of the Berlin wall began.

1990- July 10, 1990 Ambassador Henry F. Cooper became the third director of the (SDIO).

1991- January 29, 1991 George H.W Bush State of the Union address refocusing (SDI) towards (GPALS).
- December 31, 1991 the end of the Soviet Union and The Cold War.

1993- May 13, 1993 (SDIO) renamed (BMDO) by Clinton administration.